Low-fat Banoffi Pie

Ingrients & Directions

8 oz Cereal – I tried to use
Golden grahams, but could
Only buy
One-serving pack, which
Wasn’t quite enough, so
Added some All-Bran.
Another time I might try
Shreddies instead. American
Readers feel free
To use no-fat graham
Crackers (which I can’t get)
1 tb Pear and Apple spread (I
Used Pear and Apricot, which
What I had – I expect apple
Butter would be a good
1 Tin skimmed condensed milk –
If unavailable, then as
Low-fat as you can
3 Bananas, sliced lengthwise
About 8 oz cream substitute
I used fromage frais mixed
With Quark, but
If that means nothing to you
Then use yogurt or other
Cream substitute.

The day before, boil unopened can of milk for three hours – don’t let
it boil dry whatever you do. Allow to cool. Make biscuit base by
turning the cereal into crumbs, melting the fruit butter in the
microwave (only about 30 seconds), mixing the two together and
pressing down into the flan dish. Leave in the fridge to harden.
Please note that cereal crumbs quicker than digestives/graham
crackers do, so be prepared, or what you’ll have is powder!

Next day, open the can of milk, which will have turned to toffee, and
spread it over the biscuit base – which will try and stick to the
toffee, so just swoosh it round as best you can. Top this with the
sliced bananas, and instantly with the cream substitute (if you hang
about, the bananas will go brown and ucky). Refrigerate until wanted.

6 Servings

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