Grandma’s Bread Stew

Ingrients & Directions

2 lb Beef; suitable for stewing,
-cut into bite sized pieces
3 Onions; sliced & separated
-into rings
1/2 lb Sliced fresh mushrooms
2 tb Tapioca; (this is the
-questionable part about
-kosher for me???)
1 sl Bread; (May use challah if
-you like)
4 Beef bouillion cubes; up to
Salt and pepper to taste
Water to cover all

Put all ingredients in large baking bowl or pan. Cover. Bake for 4-5 hours
at 350 degrees. You can bake it for 8 hours or so if you decrease the
temperature on the oven to 300. Stir well and serve. This is very versatile
as you can serve it with steamed veggies and rice or noodles or roasted
potatoes. We used to heap it into baked potatoes. It really is delicious!

1 Servings

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