Whisky Fudge Cake


Ingrients & Directions

5 c Plain flour
4 ts Baking powder
1 1/4 kg Plain chocolate cut in small
750 g Unsalted butter at room temp
5 c Caster sugar
16 Eggs separated
1 1/4 c Whisky slightly warmed
4 ts Vanilla extract
Icing sugar
Clotted cream

Preheat the oven to 180c. Line 2x20cm springorm pans with baking
paper, then butter and flour the paper. Sift together the flour and
baking powder. Then melt the chocolate in a bowl over simmering water
and set aside in a warm place. Beat the butter until white and
creamy, then gradually add 4 cups of the caster sugar and continue
beating until the mixture is fluffy. Beat in the egg yolks one at a
time, then add the whisky and vanilla. Stir in the melted chocolate,
then fold in half of the sifted flour, mix well, then fold in the
remaining flour. Beat the eggwhites until soft peaks form, then
gradually add the remaining cup of sugar and beat until the mixture
is shiny and forms stiff peaks. Stir in a little of the chocolate
mixture, then fold in the remainder. Pour the mixture into the
springform pans and bake in the oven for 1 hour.
Remove from the oven, turn the cakes out immediately onto a cake
rack and set aside to cool. To serve: cut the cakes into wedges and
place on each serving plate. Serve with clotted cream.

1 Servings

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