Apple-peanut Butter Fudge

Ingrients & Directions

6 oz Semisweet chocolate pieces 2 c Sugar
1/2 Marshmallow fluff jar 2/3 c Apple juice
1/2 c Peanut butter Chopped peanuts (opt.)
1 ts Vanilla

Mix semisweet chocolate pieces, half jar marshmallow fluff, peanut
butter and vanilla. Set aside. In buttered heavy 2-quart saucepan,
mix sugar and apple juice. Cook and stir until sugar dissolves and
mixture boils. Cook to soft-ball stage or until candy thermometer
registers 240 F, stir frequently. remove from heat, quickly add
marshmallow mixture. stir until just blended. Pour into buttered 9″
square baking pan. top fudge with chopped peanuts, if desired. cool.
Cut into squares. Makes 3 dozen 1-1/2 inch pieces.

36 servings

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