Baby Pies Of Chicken, Leek And Morel Mushrooms

Ingrients & Directions

20 Dried morels
1/2 pt Chicken stock
4 Shallots; finely chopped
1/4 oz Fresh tarragon
4 fl Riesling wine
1/2 pt Double cream
2 oz Unsalted butter
2 Leeks; in 1 1/2 in pieces
2 Boneless; skinless chicken
-breasts in 4cm/1 1/2 in
1/4 oz Fresh chives snipped
1 1/4 lb Shortcrust pastry
Egg yolk to glaze

Anthony Tobin (British Chef)

1. Soak the morels in 150ml/ 1/4 pint of boiling water for 30 mins. Place
the stock, tarragon and wine in a pan and bring to the boil. Boil steadily
until the mixture has reduced by two thirds.

2. Stir in the cream and bring back to the boil. Reduce the heat and cook
gently for about 15 mins for a thick coating consistency. Pass the sauce
through muslin. Leave to cool.

3. Melt 15g/ 1/2 oz of the butter in a large frying pan. Add the leeks,
cover and cook gently for 5 mins. Drain morels, add to the pan, cover and
cook for another 5 mins.

4. Melt 15g/ 1/2 oz of the butter in a frying pan, then add the chicken and
fry gently until browned. Add to the leeks and morels. Stir in the chives
and seasoning with enough sauce to moisten the chicken. Reserve the
remaining sauce. Cool.

5. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7. Place four 7.5cm/3in wide x 5cm/2in
high pastry rings on abaking sheet. Roll out the pastry on a floured
surface and use to line the rings. Chill for 20 mins.

6. Line the pastry cases with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans.
Bake blind for 10 mins and then remove the paper and beans. Fill pastry
cases with the chicken mixture.

7. Roll out the remaining pastry on a lightly floured surface and cut our
the four lids. Dampen the edges with water. Press lids on top of the
filling. Seal well and cut a small hole in the centre of each pie.

8. Bake for 20 mins and then carefully remove the pastry rings. Brush sides
and top of pastry with egg yolk and return to the oven for about 10 mins
until golden brown. Melt the remaining butter and brush over the pies.

9. Place pies in the centre of warmed plates. Serve with piped mashed
potatoes and vegetables. Warm reserved sauce, thinning with stock if
necessary and pour around pies.

4 Servings

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