Banana Bread (durcholz)

Ingrients & Directions

1/4 c Sugar;
3/4 c Sugar Twin;
1/3 c Margarine;
1 Egg;
2 Egg whites;
1 ts Baking soda;
2 c Flour;
4 tb Milk;
3/4 ts Vinegar;
3 Bananas; ripe, mashed

Blend sugar, Sugar Twin, and margarine. Add eggs and mix well. Sift
flour and soda into bowl and stir. Mix milk and vinegar together,
then add to mixture. Fold in bananas. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees in
greased 9 x 5 loaf pan. Let cool and cut into 20 slices.

Nutrients per slice: Calories 108, fat 3.6g, cholesterol 14 mg,
carbohydrate 17g, sodium 63mg.

Exchanges: Bread 1, fruit 1/4, fat 1.

20 Servings

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