Barb’s Special Sweet Breads Part 1

Ingrients & Directions

3 pk Yeast
1 c -Water; lukewarm
1 Egg; slightly beaten
4 c Flour; sifted
3 tb Sugar
1 1/2 c Butter
1 ts Salt


– Vanilla cream
– Almond butter
– Plumped currants or
– raisins
– Egg wash
– Icing

For the dough:
Put the water in a mixing bowl and sprinkle the yeast over it. Stir
until the yeast has dissolved. Beat the egg into the yeast mixture,
and set aside.
Sift together the flour, sugar, and salt. Add the yeast mixture.
Knead until the mix forms a ball- if too moist add a bit more flour.
Knead 10 minutes more.
Roll out to an 11″ square. Spread 1/2 cup butter over the surface
of the dough. Fold the dough into thirds and wrap in a damp cloth.
Refrigerate 20 minutes. Repeat this process beginning from rolling
out the dough, two more times.
While the dough is in the refrigerator the last time, you should
prepare the fillings, icings or other recipes you will need for the
finished pastries.
The following parts will give you the variety of pastries made with
this dough, and the methods. They will be followed by additional
recipes needed to prepare the pastries.

1 Servings

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