Basic Potato Bread

Ingrients & Directions

3 md Potatoes
–or 1 cup mashed
1 tb Active dry yeast
2 1/2 c Water; 100-115 degrees
8 c All-purpose flour; about
1 1/2 tb Salt
1/2 tb Seeds
(Caraway, sesame, etc.)

Scrub potatoes; boil until very tender. Drain, and mash well leaving all
skins. Allow to cool. Dissolve yeast in 1/2 C water, mix well with 3 Tbs.
of the flour in a LARGE bowl. Let stand 30 minutes. Add remaining 2C
water, salt, and most of the seeds. Add remaining flour and potatoes and
mix well. * Note: it is best to add the potatoes first and mix them with
the water. Then, while stirring, mix in the flour slowly as to avoid any
unmixed areas) Knead on a floured board 12-15 min.* Do not add more than a
sprinkle of flour to board while kneading. Shape into ball, and place in a
well oiled bowl. Turn bowl over onto kneading board (or plate), and let
rise in warm, draft place for about 1-2 hours; or until doubled in bulk.
Remove dough and punch down, kneading a few minutes more. Slice in half,
and make into two round loaves.Pour on all remaining seeds over tops of
loaves, making sure to press down gently into dough. Place on well oiled
baking sheet. Let rise rise 30-35 min. Bake in pre-heated 400 degree oven
for about one hour. Bake no longer than 1:20. Allow to cool, enjoy with
hummus or Plochman’s whole grain mustard!!

1 Servings

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