Bottled Fruit Cake

Ingrients & Directions 4 c Unsweetened canned or 1 ts Ground cloves – optional -bottled fruit and juice 1 ts Nutmeg 1 Egg or 2 egg whites 2 1/2 ts Cinnamon 1 tb Baking soda 1/2 c Raisins or chopped dates – 1 c Unswetened fruit, cut up –optional -or […]

Ingrients & Directions

4 c Unsweetened canned or 1 ts Ground cloves – optional
-bottled fruit and juice 1 ts Nutmeg
1 Egg or 2 egg whites 2 1/2 ts Cinnamon
1 tb Baking soda 1/2 c Raisins or chopped dates –
1 c Unswetened fruit, cut up –optional
-or mashed if needed NOTE: Any congenial mixture
4 c Whole wheat flour -of fruit works well.
1 c Unsweetened fruit juice -Experiment

SOURCE: Recipes to Lower Your Fat Thermostat. Formatted by Ursula R.
Taylor and gotten at a diabetic conference.
Mash fruit and juice together, or blend it in a blender if you prefer.
Add the egg and baking soda. Mix and set aside.
Mix the egg or egg whites with the cup of fruit. Add to the fruit
mixture. Add flour, cup of juice, and spices. Stir in raisins or dates.
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes in a non-stick 9 x 13 inch baking pan. Serve
plain or with a dollop of low-cal whipped topping.
Makes 12 servings. Each serving counts as 1 starch and 1 fruit. Each
serving has 178 calories and 1 grams of fat.

12 servings


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August Goerg's Grilled Steak (spiessbraten Au

Fri Oct 19 , 2012
Ingrients & Directions 1 Shallot or small onion cut -into small pieces Freshly ground black pepper 1 pn Mace 1 lg Steak (just over 1 lb), at -least 1 1/4 inches ((Note: Per Horst Scharfenberg, this recipe originated in the town of Idar-Oberstein in the 19 th century, when gemstone […]

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