Braided Bread

Ingrients & Directions

9 oz Whole Wheat Flour
18 oz White Flour
1 tb Salt
1/2 ts Sugar
1 pk Yeast
3 tb Oil
2 1/8 c Water

1.Pour flours into bowl;add yeast and sugar and mix the oil and water
together, lukewarm, and add to flours and let rise 10 minutes. 2.Add
the salt and knead all to a dough. Separate into 3 pieces and braid
them to a braid. 3.Put on cookiesheet and brush with milk. 4.Put in
50 C oven and let rise again.Than put oven on 200 C and bake for 30
minutes. Translated by Brigitte Sealing Cyberealm BBS 315-786-1120

1 bread

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