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Bread Pudding (very Low Fat)

Ingrients & Directions

4 sl White bread; (21/2 to 3 cups
-worth when cubed)
1/2 c Raisins
EnerG egg sub to equal 2
1/3 c Sugar; (recipe called for
-brown sugar)
1 pn Salt
1/2 ts Cinnamon
1/8 ts Nutmeg
2 1/4 c Warm skim milk
1 ts Vanilla
1 ts Sugar

Preheat oven 325F. Toast the bread and slice into cubes. Spray an 8″ square
pan and arrange the bread in the pan, sprinkling the raisins on top. In a
small bowl, mix the EnerG according to directions. Add the spices, vanilla,
1/3 cup sugar and milk, stirring to combine. Pour over the bread and let
stand for 30 minutes, pressing down occasionally on the bread to absorb the
liquid. Sprinkle with 1 tsp sugar, then bake 50-60 minutes until golden
brown and puffed up. Serve warm or cold.

Variations: Use chopped apricots instead of raisins. Spread the bread with
jam before cutting. Add the grated zest of an orange to the liquid.

1 Servings

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