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Brotknoedel (bread Dumplings)

Ingrients & Directions

4 Kaiser rolls, cut into thin -stems] parsley, finely
-sliced -chopped
Breadcrumbs as required 1/8 l Milk (1/2 cup plus 1/2 Tbsp)
2 Eggs 30 g Butter (2 Tbsp)
1 Very small bunch [a few

pepper and salt to taste marjoram (optional in some areas)

Soak the rolls in lukewarm milk for 1/2 hour. Add the remainder of
the ingredients and mix well. If mixture is too wet, add some
breadcrumbs. Shape into dumplings. Carefully put dumplings into
barely salted, simmering water and cook for 25 minutes. Serve as
accompaniment to sauces, mushrooms, or in soups.

Serves 4.

4 servings

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