Carciofi Ripieni (stuffed Artichokes)

Ingrients & Directions

6 md Artichokes
1/2 Lemon
2 c Soft Bread Crumbs
3/4 c Grated Parmesan Cheese
1/3 c Chopped Parsley
2 Cloves Garlic — chopped
Salt And Pepper
6 tb Olive Oil

Wash the artichokes and invert to drain. Cut the stems straight
across, leavinga level base so the artichokes will stand upright.
Remove the tough outer leaves at the base and cut about 1/2″ off the
tips of the remaining leaves. With a sharp knife, slice the top of
the artichokes straight across, taking off about 1″. As you trim, rub
the artichokes with the cut lemon to prevent discoloration. Tap them
firmly on a hard surface to force the center leaves slightly open.
Combine the bread crumbs, cheese, parsley and garlic. Blend well and
season with salt and pepper. Distribute the filling among the 6
artichokes, placing some in the center and tucking some between the
spread leaves. Close the leaves gently and arrange the artichokes
close together in a baking pan. Pour 1 Tbsp of oil over each. Add 1
cup of water to the bottom of the pan. Cover tightly with aluminum
foil and bake in a 325 F oven, basting occasionally, for about 1 hour
45 minutes, or until the leaves pull out easily. Add waterif
necessary to maintain a little liquid in the pan.

Serves 6.

6 Servings

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