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Cheese Cake

Ingrients & Directions

3 c fine bread crumbs 2 ts lemon juice
5 pk 8-oz. cream cheese 3 tb vanilla
3/4 c honey 5 ea eggs
3 tb flour 2 ea egg whites
1/4 c cream

Butter a 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Cover sides and bottom with crumbs to
form crust. Cream together in order: cream cheese, honey, flour, cream,
lemon juice, vanilla, eggs and egg whites. Pour into crust and bake for
10 minutes at 350 degrees. Lower oven temperature to 250 degrees and bake
for 1 hour. Cool before cutting. You may use a graham cracker crumb
crust instead of the bread crumbs if you like. Makes 2 dozen 2-inch

24 servings

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