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Chocolate Cafe Au Lait Cake

Ingrients & Directions

1 Stick margarine — fudge cake mix; (18.25 oz
1 1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs 1 1/2 c Heavy cream
6 oz Semisweet chocolate chips 1 1/2 tb Instant coffee powder
1/2 c Walnuts; chopped 1/3 c Powdered sugar; sifted
1 pk Devil’s food or chocolate

Recipe by: 365 Great Chocolate Desserts – ISBN 0-06-016537-5
Preparation Time: 0:57 1. Melt margarine in a medium saucepan over
low heat, or in a 1-qt glass bowl in a microwave on High 1 to 1 1/4
mins. Stir in graham cracker crumbs and let cool. When cool, stir in
chocolate chips and walnuts; set aside.

2. Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans.
Prepare cake mix according to package directions. Turn batter into
prepared pans. Sprinkle crumb-walnut-chocolate chip mixture over cake
batter, dividing evenly between pans. Using fingertips or back of a
spoon, lightly press mixture into batter ( crumb mixture should not
sink all the way into batter).

3. Bake cake as package directs (30 to 35 mins), or until a cake
tester inserted in center comes out clean. Remove cakes from oven;
let cool completely in pans before unmolding. Keep layers crumb sides

4. In a medium bowl, beat cream, coffee powder, and powdered sugar
with an electric mixer on high until stiff. Place 1 cooled cake
layer, crumb side up, on a serving plate. Spread 3/4 of whipped cream
mixture over cake. Top with remaining cake layer, crumb side up.
Frost sides of cake with remaining whipped cream; do not frost top of
cake. Refrigerate until serving time.

12 servings

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