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Chocolate Cake With Mocha Glaze

Ingrients & Directions

1/2 (12-oz) can prune-plum 2 c All-purpose flour
-filling (1/2 C) 1 c Unsweetened cocoa
4 tb Light corn-oil spread 1 c Low-fat milk (1%)
(1/2 stick) 1 tb Vanilla extract
1 3/4 c Sugar 2 ts Baking soda
1 (8-oz) container coffee 1/2 ts Salt
-low-fat yogurt Instant coffee granules
1 (4-oz) container -or powder
-refrigerated no-cholesterol 3/4 c Confectioners’ sugar
-egg substitute 1 tb Sliced almonds, toasted


1. Preheat oven to 350’F. Spray 10 inch Bundt pan with nonstick cook-
ing spray.

2. In large bowl, with mixer at medium speed, beat prune-plum filling,
corn-oil spread, and sugar until blended, occasionally scraping bowl
with rubber spatula.

3. Add coffee yogurt, egg substitute, flour, cocoa, milk, vanilla
extract, baking soda, salt, and 2 t instant coffee granules; beat on
low speed until well blended, occasionally scraping bowl with rubber
spatula. Increase speed to medium; beat 1 minute.

4. Pour batter into pan. Bake about 50 to 55 minutes until toothpick
in- serted in center of cake comes out clean. Cool cake in pan on
wire rack 15 minutes. Remove cake from pan; cool completely on rack.

5. Prepare mocha glaze: In small bowl, dissolve 1 t instant coffee
granules in 1 T warm tap water. Stir in confectioners’ sugar until
smooth and an easy spreading consistency, adding more water, if
necessary. Spoon glaze over cake. Sprinkle with toasted almonds.

Each serving: About 245 calories, 4 9 fat, 1 mg cholesterol, 225 mg

Good Housekeeping/May’94/scanned & fixed by DP & GG

16 servings

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