Chocolate Cherry Cream Pie

Ingrients & Directions

22 Graham Crackers
2 tb Sugar
6 tb Butter, melted
1 pk 4 servings,instant chocolate
Pudding mix
1/2 Tub Coolwhip
1 cn Cherry Pie Filling

1. Crush crackers with rolling pin, between waxpaper. 2. Combine with
sugar and butter, stir well. Press firmly
into 9″ pieplate. 3. Bake at 350 F for 8 minutes, cool before
filling. 4. Prepare pudding as directed for pie filling. 5. Chill for
30 minutes, spread into crust. 6. Spread coolwhip carefully on top.
7. Spoon cherries on top. Chill for 2 hours before serving.

6 Servings

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