Chocolate Chess Pie

Ingrients & Directions

2 1/2 c Sugar
1 tb Vanilla
7 tb Cocoa
1 ea Stick margarine, melted
4 ea Eggs
2 ea 8-inch frozen pie crusts
1 1/4 c Evaporated milk

Done in the blender and makes two pies! Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Put all ingredients in blender and mix well. Pour into pie shells and
bake 35 – 40 minutes or until top of the pie has puffed up like a
souffle. The center will still be shaky when the pie is taken from
the oven. Do Not OVerbake.
Frozen Pie Crust Hint: Brush bottom and sides of crust with beaten
egg white and bake for 5 – 7 minutes at 350 degees before filling.
Serve with whipped cream or whipped topping for a real
Chocolate-lovers dessert.

8 Servings

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