Chocolate Decadance Cake

Ingrients & Directions

10 Oreo cookies
4 -(up to)
5 tb Butter

12 oz Bittersweet chocolate
1/4 lb Butter
3 Eggs
1/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Flour
1 Bag (10-oz) guittard large
-semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 Box (10-oz) frozen
-rasperries in syrup
1/2 c Chocolate genache (see
2 1/2 ts Gelatin
2 tb Chambord
1 2/3 c Cream
1/4 c Sugar

20 oz Bittersweet chocolate
-(finely chopped)
1 3/4 c Cream
1/4 c Superfine sugar
1 tb Chambord

From: (Ken Paris)

Date: Wed, 9 Mar 94 10:11:54 -0800
CRUST: throw about 10 oreos into a food processor and grind ’em up melt
about 4 or 5 TBS butter and pour into the cookie crumbs until it holds
together when mushed. press the mixture into the bottom of a 10″ spingform

CHOCOLATE DECADANCE: Melt butter and choc. together. Beat the eggs and
sugar together until light and fluffy. Stir the flour into the egg mixture
until barely mixed. Pour the slightly cooled choc. mixture in while gently
mixing. Fold in the chips. Pour the batter over the crust and bake at 425
for 15 min.

CHOCOLATE RASPERRY MOUSSE: Defrost and sieve rasperries (be sure to press
all the pulp through). Reduce the rasp. to 1/2 cp (in sauce pan over
med-low heat). While rasp. are reducing, soften gelatin with 3 TBS. water.
Add the gelatin, genache and chambord to the rasp., cover and place in the
refridgerator for 20 min.

While rasp. is cooling, whip cream with sugar until stiff. Fold in rasp.
mixture, cover and leave in refridgerator for about 45 min. until firm.
Pipe the mousse on the cooled decadance in a nice pattern.

GENACHE: Place choc. in heat-proof bowl. Bring cream and sugar just to
boil (mixing to dissolve sugar) and pour over chocolate, let sit for 1 min.
then stir to dissolve (try not to stir in air bubbles) add chambord. Cover
and let cool for about 1 hr.



From archives. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive,

16 Servings

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