Creamed-filled Horns Using Basic Pie Crust Mi

Ingrients & Directions

1/4 c Cold water
1 1/2 c Pie Crust Mix
1/4 ts Cream of tartar
6 tb Butter or margarine*
1 Egg white
2 tb Water
Sweetened whipped cneam
Grated chocolate**

*Softened **And/or chopped nuts Stir 1/4 cup water into Pie Crust
Mix and cream of tartar until mix is moistened and pastry almost
cleans side of bowl. Gather pastry into a ball; roll into rectangle,
14×12 inches, on floured cloth-covered board. Spread 2/3 of the
pastry crosswise with 2 tablespoons of the butter. Fold unbuttered
1/3 over center 1/3. Fold remaining 1/3 over top, keeping edges even.
Repeat rolling, buttering and folding steps 2 times. Wrap pastry in
plastic wrap. Refrigerate at least 8 hours. Cut double thickness
heavy-duty aluminum foil into twelve 6-inch squares. Fold squares
into triangles; roll into cone shapes, 1 1/2 inches in diameter at
open ends. Fold edges over tops to make firm. Roll pastry into
rectangle, 14×12 inches; cut into strips, 14×12 inch. Wrap each
strip, spiral fashion, around foil cone, beginning at narrow end.
Overlap each row about 1/8 inch; do not extend strips beyond open
ends of cones. Moisten ends of strips; pinch to seal. Heat oven to
400. Mix egg white and 2 tablespoons water; brush over horns.
Sprinkle with sugar. Place horns seam sides down on ungreased baking
sheet. Bake until golden, 10 to 12 minutes. Cool slightly; remove
from baking sheet. Cool completely; remove foil cones gently. Fill
horns with sweetened whipped cream. Garnish with grated chocolate.
12 Horns.

12 Servings

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