Creamy Chocolate-pecan Fudge

Ingrients & Directions

8 1-oz sqs semisweet chocolate 13 oz Evaporated milk
-chopped coarse 4 c Sugar
8 1-oz sqs unsweetened choc. 2 tb Butter or margarine
-chopped coarse 1/4 ts Salt
7 1/2 oz Jar marshmallow cream 1 tb Vanilla
2 c Pecans; coarsely chopped Pecan halves (optional)

Place chocolate, marshmallow cream and pecan in large bowl; set
aside. In large heavy saucepan combine milk, sugar, butter and salt.
Bring to boil, stirring; boil slowly 9 minutes. Pour at once over
chocolate mixture; add vanilla. With wooden spoon stir vigorously
until chocolate is melted and mixture creamy. Pour into buttered
15x10x1″ pan or large tray lined with waxed paper. Smooth top.
Garnish with pecan halves. Chill until firm. Cut into 1″ squares. Per
square without pecan garnish: 57 cal, 1 g pro, 8 g car, 3 g fat, 1 mg
chol with butter, 0 mg chol with margarine.

150 servings

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