Debi’s Peanut Butter Fudge

Ingrients & Directions

1 Jar (Small) of Kraft
-Marshmallow Cream
3 c White Granulated Sugar
2/3 c Evaporated Milk
1 c Butter (Parkay Margarine is
1 ts Vanilla
1 c Peanut Butter (Jif)
1 c Nuts (optional – we never

Combine sugar, milk, butter and cook to the soft ball stage. Remove from
heat and add remaining ingredients. Beat with an electric mixer until the
mixture begins to harden. Pour into a buttered 9×11 pan and cool before
cutting into squares.

Note: If you double the recipe, I believe there is a difference the size
(ounces) between one large jar of marshmallow cream and two small ones. We
just use the one large jar and it works fine!

1 Servings

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