Dessert Tostada With Fresh Fruit, Cajeta, And Hot Fudge

Ingrients & Directions

6 6-inch
1 pt Strawberries — cleaned
1 Mangos — peel & 1/2-inch
1 Papayas — peel & 1/2-inch
1 pt Raspberries — cleaned
2 Bananas — halved, sliced
1/2 c Green grapes — cut in half
1/2 c Red grapes — cut in half
6 Sprigs mint
4 c Custard — See Recipe
2 c Cajeta — See Recipe
1 c Fudge sauce — See Recipe
Flour tortillas

This dessert combines several different dessert recipes into a single
delicious dessert. See recipes for “Vanilla Custard,” “Cajeta,” and “Hot
Fudge” in this cookbook to create the full recipe.

You will need 2 quarts of vegetable oil to fry the tortillas.

STEP ONE: Create the Tostada Cups– In a one-gallon sauce pot, heat
vegetable oil to 350 degrees F. Prick numerous holes in flour tortillas.
Place one tortilla at a time inside an 8-ounce ladle. Place another 8-ounce
ladle on top of tortilla and slowly lower into vegetable oil. Once tortilla
begins to brown, about 10 to 15 seconds, remove from ladle and flip
tortilla over. Continue to cook for 5 to 10 more seconds. Repeat this
method with the remaining tortillas. Let tortillas drain, upside-down,
until ready to assemble. STEP TWO: Prepare the “Vanilla Custard,” “Cajeta,”
and “Hot Fudge Sauce” recipes before assembling the tostada cups.

STEP THREE: Assemble the Tostada Cups– Combine fruit in a bowl and gently
mix. Evenly distribute fruit into the six tostada shells. Ladle 3 to 4
ounces of the Vanilla Custard mix over the fruit, filling tostada to 1/4
inch below the rim. Brown top of custard under a broiler or use a propane

STEP FOUR: Finish the Tostada– Ladle 2-3 ounces of cajeta onto each plate.
Place tostada in the middle of the plate and drizzle with hot fudge.
Garnish each tostada with a mint sprig and serve.

6 Servings

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