Double Coconut Cream Pie

Ingrients & Directions

1 Pie shell, 9″, baked

1/3 c Sugar, granulated
1/4 c Cornstarch
1/4 ts Salt
2 c Milk, whole
1 cn Cream of cocnut (8oz)
3 Egg yolks; beaten
2 tb Butter/margarineter
1 c Coconut, flaked
2 ts Vanilla

3 Egg whites
1/2 ts Vanilla
1/4 ts Cream of tartar
1/3 c Sugar, granulated
2 tb Coconut, flaked

For filling, in a med. saucepan, combine the sugar, cornstarch, and
salt. Stir in milk and cream of coconut. Cook and stir over med. heat
till thickened and bubbly. Cook and stir 2 mins. more. Gradually stir
about 1 cup of the hot milk mixture into the beaten egg yolks,
stirring constantly. Return all of the mixture to saucepan. Cook and
stir till bubbly. Cook and stir 2 mins. more. Remove from heat. Stir
in margarine or butter till melted. Stir in the coconut and vanilla.
Pour filling into baked pie shell.
For meringue, let egg whites stand at room temp for 30 mins. In a
mixing bowl, beat egg whites, vanilla, and cream of tartar on med.
speed of an electric mixer till soft peaks form (tips curl).
Gradually add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, till stiff peaks form.
Evenly spread meringue over hot filling; seal to pastry edge.
Sprinkle with the coconut. Bake in a 350~ oven for 15 mins. Cool for
1 hour on a wire rack. Cover and chill for 3 to 6 hours before

8 Servings

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