Double Decker Marbled Meltaway Fudge

Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 c Hershey’s Semi-Sweet 2 T Light corn syrup
-Chocolate Chips, divided 1 T White vinegar
3 1/2 c Sugar 2 1/2 c Peanut Butter, Creamy or
1 1/2 c Evaporated milk -Crunchy
1/2 c Butter 1 ea Jar Marshmallow creme, (7oz)

Line 13x9x2-inch pan with foil. Place 1 cup chocolate chips in large
heatproof bowl. In 4-quart saucepan, combine sugar, evaporated milk,
corn syrup and vinegar. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly,
until mixture comes to full rolling boil; boil and stir 5 minutes.
Remove from heat. Add peanut butter and marshmallow creme; stir
until smooth. Pour one half of peanut butter mixture over chocolate
chips; stir until smooth. Pour chocolate mixture into prepare pan;
top with remaining mixture. Immediately sprinkle remaining 1/2 cup
chips over surface. With knife or metal spatula, gently swirl chips
for marble effect. Cool: cut into squares. If a firmer fudge is
desired, store covered in refrigerator. About 8 dozens or 4 pounds

Calories per serving: Number of Servings: 96 Fat
grams per serving: Approx. Cook Time: Cholesterol per
serving: Marks:

96 servings

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