Drew’s Famours Onion Dill Bread

Ingrients & Directions 1 pk yeast 3 1/3 c flour 1/4 ts baking soda 1 1/2 ts salt 1 unbeaten egg 1 at room temp. -MIX TOGETHER, WARM AND ADD- 1/4 c water 3/4 c cottage cheese 3/4 c cottage cheese 3 tb suger 3 tb minced dried onion 2 […]

Ingrients & Directions

1 pk yeast
3 1/3 c flour
1/4 ts baking soda
1 1/2 ts salt
1 unbeaten egg
1 at room temp.

1/4 c water
3/4 c cottage cheese
3/4 c cottage cheese
3 tb suger
3 tb minced dried onion
2 tb whole dill seed
1 1/2 tb butter

In the order listed, place dry indredients and egg into pan. Warm
next set of ingredints, Add them. select white bread, and push
“start”. Lightly brush the top with a litte melted butter at baking
time if you wish. This can be mixed on manual of the bread machine.
After Second kneading, remove dough for machine, divide into to equal
portions and place in small loaf pans. Cover and let rise to double,
about 45 min to 1 hour. Bake at 350 f. for 35-40 min.

2 loaves


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Crispy Meat Pies

Thu Nov 3 , 2011
Ingrients & Directions -DOUGH- 10 oz Strong white flour 1/2 ts Salt 1/2 pt Boiling water FILLING 12 oz Lean boneless pork, -diced 12 oz Peeled cooked -prawns, diced 4 oz Canned bamboo shoot, diced Spring onions, chopped 1/2 ts Salt 1/2 ts Sugar 1 ts Light soy sauce 2 […]

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