Easy Crumb-topped Cherry Pie

Ingrients & Directions

2 Cans (1pd each) tart
Cherries packed in water
(NOT cherry pie filling)
1 c Plus 2 T sugar, divided
1/4 c Cornstarch
8 Drops red food coloring
2 Pet-ritz deep dish pie
Crusts, frozen
1/2 ts Cinnamon

Drain cherries, reserving 1/2 c liquid. In large saucepan, combine
drained cherries, reserved liquid, 1 cup sugar, cornstarch and food
coloring. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally,
until thickened. Pour into one frozen pie crust. While still frozen,
break or crumble second crust into very small pieces; mix with
remaining 2 T sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle evenly over cherries. Bake
in preheated 425 oven on a preheated baking sheet 10 minutes. Reduce
oven temperature to 350 and bake an additional 45-50 minutes.

8 Servings

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