Five Pound Fudge

Ingrients & Directions

4 1/2 c Sugar 12 oz Semi-sweet chocolate chips
12 oz Can evaporated milk 12 oz Milk chocolate bar
1/4 lb Butter 2 c Chopped pecans or walnuts
1 Jar marshmallow creme 2 ts Vanilla

Cook sugar, milk, and butter to soft ball stage (234 degrees on candy
thermometer), stirring constantly. Take off the heat and add the
remaining ingredients. Stir quickly and thoroughly to blend. Pour
into a large baking pan or dish (I lightly butter it first). Cool.
Cut into squares and store in refrigerator.

My favorite fudge recipe!! I prefer it with walnuts instead of
pecans and I even buy my milk chocolate candy bars with almonds
sometimes for a little added flavor and crunch!

6 servings

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