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Fresh Corn Spoonbread

Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 c Lowfat milk 1/4 c Butter or margarine
1 c Buttermilk 1 tb Sugar
1 c Cornmeal 1/2 ts Baking soda
1 c Fresh uncooked corn kernels 3 lg Eggs, separated

A little sauteed onion Some fresh herbs
1 c Grated Swiss cheese

Adapted from “Corn: Meals and More” by Olwen Wodler.

This souffle type of preparation must be served directly from the

Preheat oven to 350?F. and grease a 1 1/2 quart casserole. Heat milk
and buttermilk until just boiling; add cornmeal in a thin stream,
stirring until mixture is thick and smooth. Remove from heat and stir
in kernels, butter, sugar and baking soda. Beat egg yolks and stir
into mixture. Beat eggs whites until stiff and gently fold into
batter. Pour into casserole and bake 45 minutes. Spoonbread will be
puffed and golden brown. Serve immediately.

8 servings

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