George Washington Gingerbread Cream Pie

Ingrients & Directions

1/3 c Butter FILLING
1 c Molasses 1 tb Gelatine
1 Egg, unbeaten 1/4 c Cold water
1 1/4 c Flour 1 c Milk
1/2 ts Soda 1 c Sugar
1 ts Baking powder ds Salt
1/2 ts Salt 2 tb Corn starch
1/2 ts Ginger 1 Egg, well beaten
1 ts Cinnamon 1/2 ts Vanilla
1/4 ts Cloves 1/2 c Finely chopped apricots
1/2 c Milk

CAKE: Cream together butter and molasses; add unbeaten egg; blend
well; add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk; beat until

Pour batter into sprayed 9″ round cake pan or springform. Bake at
350F for 40 minutes. When cool, remove from pan; split in half. Put
together with the following filling:

FILLING: Soak gelatine in cold water for 10 min. Heat milk to
scalding in top of double boiler (or med. saucepan set into lge.
saucepan). Stir in mixture of sugar, salt & corn starch; cook in top
of double boiler until mixture begins to thicken. Add vanilla and
apricot to beaten egg, then add to the mixture in the double boiler.
When slightly thickened, stir in gelatine until dissolved. Chill
until mixture jells (around 1 1/4 hour). When filling is firm enough,
spread between layers of gingerbread. If desired, top with whipped
topping. Serves 6-8.

8 servings

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