Good Morning Coffee Cake

Ingrients & Directions

2 1/3 c All-Purpose Flour
1 1/3 c Sugar
3/4 ts Salt
3/4 c Crisco
2 ts Baking Powder
3/4 c Milk
2 Eggs
1 ts Vanilla
3 oz Cream Cheese
14 oz Can Condensed Milk
1/3 c Lemon Juice
2 ts Cinnamon
29 oz Can Sliced Peaches
Or 21 Oz. Can Apple Pie
1 c Chopped Nuts
1/3 c Brown Sugar

Preheat oven to 350. In large bowl, combine 1st 3 ingreds. Cut in
Crisco until crumbly. Reserve 1C crumbs. Add next 4 ingreds. Beat on
medium speed 2 minutes. Spread into greased 13×9 pan. Bake 25 min. or
until set. Beat cream cheese until fluffy. Gradually beat in
condensed milk; stir in lemon juice, then fruit, 1/2C nuts and 1t
cinnamon. In medium bowl, combine reserved crumbs, 1/2C nuts, 1t
cinnamon & 1/3C brown sugar. Spoon fruit mixtrue onto cake. Spread
evenly. Sprinkle with crumb mixture. Bake for 35 minutes. Cool. Serve
warm. I made this with the peaches and it was great! ~Nina

12 Servings

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