Grandma Ruby’s Fabulous Fudge

Ingrients & Directions

3 pk Chocolate chips 2 c Chopped nuts
1/2 lb Butter or margarine 4 1/2 c Sugar
10 oz Miniature marshmallows (1 1 lg Can evaporated milk
-package) 1 tb Vanilla

Combine chocolate chips, butter, marshmallows and nuts. Blend sugar
with evaporated milk and cook at a rolling boil for 6 minutes. Remove
from heat and add vanilla. Pour immediately into bowl with first four
ingredients and stir until well-blended. Pour into buttered pans and
let stand 24 hours in cool place. Makes five pounds.

From the files of Grandma Ruby Williams

Date help: Famous recipes for divinity, penoche, fudge, aplets and
all the holiday favorites are collected together on our Christmas
Nuts and Candies bulletin. To obtain this four-page leaflet, send 3
cents and a self-addressed envelope to Nancy Morris, Oregonian
Hostess House, The Oregonian, 1320 S. W. Broadway, Portland 1, Or.

So, when were 3 cent stamps used? And does anyone know the relevance
of “Portland 1”? No zip code was given, either. Part of a Green
Trading Stamps ad is here, and bits of what seems to be a society
section…this is really interesting!! At least to me….I hope I’m
not the only one??

Valerie Whittle

6 servings

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