Jamie’s Bread Pudding

Ingrients & Directions

4 1/2 c French bread; large cubed
1 1/2 c Heavy cream
1 1/2 c Half and half
1/2 c Sugar
1/8 ts Nutmeg
1/2 ts Cinnamon
2 Large eggs
5 Large egg yolks

3/4 c Sugar
1 ts Cinnamon

1. Place cubed bread in a cake pan.

2. In a large bowl mix cream, half n half, sugar, eggs, yolks, cinnamon &

3. Pour over the bread & stir around to coat evenly.

4. Mix the other sugar & cinnamon & sprinkle on top evenly.

5. Place pan in a water bath (another pan with water) and bake at 350* for
40 minutes. To check doneness jiggle pan a little, if it seems to hold
together well it is done. If it is still quite juicy bake longer. Remeber
If you don’t have a temperature gauge in your oven that you really have no
idea what temp. it is, be careful not to cook at too high of heat. If
concerned bake at a slightly lower temp.

Serve with Zabione Sauce or Whipped Cream.

NOTES : Variations: Cook some sliced apples in cinnamon & sugar with a
little water and spoon on top of hot bread pudding then top with zabione or
whipped cream. Sprinkle crushed up nuts on top! Use your favorite fruit on
top! add caramel or chocolate sauce. This is a great recipe to customize to
your favorite toppings & goodies!

1 Servings

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