Jean’s Yummy Chocolate Fudge

Ingrients & Directions

2 ts Vanilla 2 c Sm. Marshmellows
2 c Nuts, chopped fine 3 1/2 c Sugar
1 c Oleo 14 1/2 oz Evaporated milk
3 c Chocolate chips

In a large bowl mix the first 5 ingredients together. In a
saucepan, combine milk and sugar and bring to a boil over medium
heat. Stir constantly for 10 to 12 minutes. Add to large bowl,
stirring to make sur mixture is mixed completely. Pour into a
greased pan. (Pan size depends on how thick you want the fudge. I
usually make several pans a one time and use a 8 x 8 inch pan.)
Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours. Cut into squares and store covered in
fridg. Yields about 2# fudge.

Shared by Jean Ramsay

1 servings

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