Kina Pie (nz)

Ingrients & Directions

2 c Fresh Kina tongue
1 c Breadcrumbs
2 Rashers Bacon

Kina or sea eggs are a staple Maori food for those
fortunate enough to live close to the sea. Kina is
found at low tide in rock crevices and under ledges of
rock. They should only be gathered however in summer
when they are sweet. Maori lore says it is best for
them to be gathered at low tide on the first, second
and third days after a full moon. When opened the
shell will be found to contain a mass of fine grit and
shell, a purple membrane and five tongues which are
red. The tongues should be scraped from the shell with
a spoon taking care not to include any membrane or

Method: 1. Place alternate layers of kina and
breadcrumbs, into a buttered pie dish finishing with a
layer of breadcrumbs.

2. Cover with chopped bacon.

3. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes until the
crumbs and bacon are crisp and the tongues are cooked.
Serves 4

SOURCE: *Kiwi Cookbook, by Alan Armstrong, Seven Seas
Publishing Pty Ltd, PO Box 1431, Wellington, New
Zealand, (C. 1968) ISBN 85467 016 5 SHARED BY: Jim
Bodle 5/93

4 Servings

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