Lady Baltimore Cake

Ingrients & Directions

2 1/2 c Cake flour, sifted 1 1/2 c Sugar, sifted
2 1/2 ts Baking powder 1/2 c Milk
1/4 ts Cream of tartar 1 ts Vanilla
1/2 c Butter 6 Egg white; stiffly beaten

1 1/2 c Sugar 2 Egg white; stiffly beaten
1 ts Corn syrup, light 1 ts Vanilla
2/3 c ;Water, boiling

1/4 lb Figs; chopped 1/2 c Nuts; chopped
1/2 lb Raisins; chopped

Cake: Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and cream of tartar
and sift together three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar
gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add flour,
alternately with milk, a small amount at a time. Beat after each
addition until smooth. Add vanilla; fold in egg whites. Bake in two
greased 9″ layer pans in a 375 F. oven for 30 minutes. Spread Lady
Baltimore Filling between layers and Lady Baltimore Frosting on top
and sides of the cake. Frosting and filling: Combine sugar, corn
syrup, and water. Place over a low flame and stir constantly until
the sugar is dissolved and the mixture boils. Continue cooking until
a small amount of syrup forms a soft ball in cold water, or spins a
long thread when dropped from the tip of a spoon (240 F). Pour syrup
in a fine stream over egg whites, beating constantly. Add vanilla.
Continue beating until the frosting loses its gloss and is stiff
enough to spread. Add fruits and nuts to half the frosting. Spread
between the layers. Spread remaining frosting on top and sides of
The Baking Book, 1931
from *Cakes Men Like*
by Benjamin Darling

Original Poster Not Shown on File

12 servings

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