Matar Kochuri (fried Bread Stuffed With Peas)

Ingrients & Directions

2 1/2 tb Ghee 1 pn Sugar
1 pn Cumin seeds 1 pn Garlic powder
1 pn Asafetida 1/4 ts Cayenne
3/4 ts Ginger, grated 1/2 ts Cumin, ground & roasted
1 1/2 c Green peas, boiled & mashed Luchi dough
1/4 ts Salt Oil for deep-fat fring
1 pn Turmeric

Heat the ghee & fry the cumin seeds, asafetida & ginger for a few
seconds. Add the amshed peas, salt, turmeric, suagr & garlic. Cook,
stirring constantly, for 2 to 3 minutes. Add cayenne, roasted cumin
powder & continue to cook for 5 minutes or until all the moisture has
evaporated. Remove from the heat & allow to cool. Form into balls
about the size of grapes.

Prepare the luchi dough as directed in Luchi recipe. Divide the
dough into 12 balls. Press a thumb into the centre of each dough
ball to form a cup. Fill this cup with a portion of the pea mixture.
Reform into a ball so that the pea mixture is enclosed inside.
Flatten the balls & roll very carefully so that the filling remains
inside, into circles about 2″ to 2 1/2″ in diameter. Heat oil till
hot & fry until the kochuris are light brown, crisp & puffed. Drain
& serve immediately.

Pranati Sen Gupta, “The Art of Indian Cuisine”

12 kochuris

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