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Milk Chocolate Orange Cakes Pt 2

Ingrients & Directions

See part 1


When chilled, transfer the chocolate-cream to a 4 1/2 quart bowl of a
heavy-duty electric mixer with the wire whip attachment. Beat on medium
speed until the mixture is light in color and soft peaks start to form. Do
not overbeat or the mixture will be grainy. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Make the dark chocolate curls: Warm the chocolate slightly by placing it on
a piece of waxed paper in a microwave oven set on MEDIUM (50 percent) power
for 20 second intervals, until it begins to soften. This can take 3 to 6
tries, depending on the wattage of the microwave oven, type and brand of
chocolate and the heat of the kitchen. The chocolate should soften
slightly, not melt. Alternatively, soften the chocolate by placing it about
6 inches beneath the warm bulb of a desk lamp for 5 to 10 minutes, turning
it every couple of minutes, until it begins to soften.

Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. Grip a square of chocolate with a
paper towel so your hand does not melt the chocolate. Using a sharp
vegetable peeler, scrape one side of the square of chocolate in a downward
motion, forming loosely shaped curls. As you form the curls, let the curls
drop onto the paper-lined baking sheet. (Chocolate that is only slightly
softened will form tight curls; overly heated chocolate will curl very
little.) Refrigerate the curls on the baking sheet until you are ready to
garnish the cakes.

Make the orange compote: With a sharp paring knife, peel the oranges and
cut them into segments. Cut each segment into 3 pieces. In a medium
saucepan combine the orange juice and the honey and bring to a boil over
medium heat. Reduce the heat and simmer until the juice begins to thicken
and turn syrupy, about 3 to 4 minutes.

Meanwhile, dissolve the cornstarch in the orange liqueur. When the orange
juice mixture has reduced, add the cornstarch mixture and whisk until the
mixture thickens. Simmer for 30 seconds; remove the pan from the heat. Fold
in the reserved orange segments. Set aside to cool.

Make the milk chocolate glaze: Place the chopped chocolate into a medium
stainless steel bowl. In a medium saucepan bring the heavy cream and corn
syrup to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the cream over the
chocolate. Stir in the almond liqueur. Assemble the cakes:

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange six 3- inch-by-1
3/4-inch metal rings on the paper. Place a cake round in the bottom of each

Fill a pastry bag fitted with a large plain tip (such as Ateco #5) with the
whipped milk chocolate-orange cream. Pipe a thin layer of the milk
chocolate-orange cream over the cake rounds. Press another cake round into
each ring, and repeat with a layer of the milk chocolate cream. Place the
final cake rounds into the ring and finish the tops with the remaining milk
chocolate-orange cream. Using a metal spatula, scrape across the tops of
the rings to smooth and level the cream. Chill the cakes for 1 hour or
until firm.

Glaze the cakes: Using a damp (not wet) very hot towel, carefully heat the
outside of the metal rings and push the cakes up from the bottoms to
unmold. Arrange the cakes on a wire rack set over a baking sheet to catch
the excess glaze.

Pour the warm milk chocolate glaze over the cakes, coating each one
completely. Use a metal spatula to touch up any missed spots on the sides.
When the glaze has set slightly, decorate the tops with the dark chocolate

Serve the cakes at room temperature with the orange compote.
– Paige LaCava

6 Servings

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