Moist Pie Crust Mix

Ingrients & Directions

5 lb Unbleached Flour 2 tb Salt
3 lb (1 Can) Veg. Shortening 3 c Cold Water
1/4 c Unbleached Flour

Combine flour and salt in a very large bowl. Mix well. With pastry
blender cut in shortening until evenly distributed. Mixture will resemble
cornmeal in texture. Add cold water all at once and mix lightly until the
flour absorbs all the water and texture resembles putty. If dough is too
sticky, sprinkle a little four over the top and mix until dough barely
holds together in the bowl. Divide dough into 10 oblong rolls. Wrap each
roll well with plastic wrap and heavy foil. Freeze and label as Moist Pie
Crust Mix. Use within 12 months.

Makes 10 rolls of mix enought for 10 double pie crusts or 20 single pie

MOIST PIE CRUST: Partial thaw 1 roll of mix. Divide dough into 2 balls.
Roll out dough to desired thickness between 2 sheets of lightly floured wax
paper. Place dough in a 9-inch pie plate without stretching. Flute edges.
If filling recipe calls for a baked pie crust, preheat oven to 425 degrees
F. (220 degrees C.) Bake 10 to 15 minutes until very lightly browned.
Cool. Fill and bake according to directions for filling. For double crust
pie, place top crust over filling and flute edges, and cut slits in the top
crust. Makes enough for one 9-inch double crust pie or 2 9-inch single
crust pies.


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