My Pumpkin Pie

Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 c Browned, strained pumpkin
3 tb All purpose flour
1 c Brown sugar
2 c Milk
1 c Cream *
1 ts Cinnamon
1/2 ts Ginger
1/2 ts Nutmeg
2 Eggs, beaten
1 Pie dough for 2 pies
2 tb Sugar
1 Ginger

* Recipe calls for heavy cream if possible, I prefer 2% canned milk.

This recipe calls for browned pumpkin which is accomplished by buttering a
heavy cast iron frying pan and cooking the 2 cups pumpkin over medium heat,
stirring and turning so all parts dry properly. Keep this up til it is
reduced to 1 1/2 cups. It will be slightly browned.

Place the browned pumpkin in a bowl, sprinkle with 2 tbsp of the flour and
brown sugar and stir til thoroughly mixed. Scald milk. Add the cream,
cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Pour over pumpkin mixture. Mix and add the
eggs. Beat together til well mixed. Line pie plates with dough, well built
up around edges. Mix together the 2 tbsp sugar the remaining tbsp of flour
and the pinch of spice. Sprinkle over bottom pie crusts, spreading all over
with tips of fingers. This prevents sogginess. Fill shell 3/4 full. Place
strips of foil around edge and place in a preheated 450 oven. Bake for 15
minutes and reduce the heat to 325. Bake 30 minutes longer. Pie is done
when the mixture shakes just in the middle when moved back and forth. Serve
hot or cold.

1 Servings

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