No-fat Bagels For Breadmachine

Ingrients & Directions -Judy Garnett pjxg05a 3 c Flour 1 pk Yeast 1 Egg white 3/4 c -Warm water; 110 deg 1 1/2 -water Place yeast and flour to bread pan of machine. Add egg white and warm water. Program for Manual, White Bread and press start. Allow bread to […]

Ingrients & Directions

-Judy Garnett pjxg05a 3 c Flour
1 pk Yeast 1 Egg white
3/4 c -Warm water; 110 deg 1 1/2 -water

Place yeast and flour to bread pan of machine. Add egg white and
warm water. Program for Manual, White Bread and press start. Allow
bread to knead two times and then remove from pan.
Shaping Bagels: Divide dough into 12 portions. Roll each piece into a
smooth ball. Punch a hole in center of dough and shape like a bagel.
Cover and let rise 20 minutes.
In a large pot, bring 1 gal of water to a boil. Add 3 bagels at a
time and simmer for 5 minutes turning once. Drain. Beat egg white and
water together lightly. Brush bagles with egg white and water glaze.
For variety sprinkle with onion or garlic bits or sesame or poppy
seeds/ Bake in preheated 375 deg oven 30 mins. or until brown. Makes

6 servings


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Krispie Crunch Candy

Fri May 14 , 2010
Ingrients & Directions 2 c Chunky peanut butter -18 oz 3 c Rice Krispies 1 Stick soft oleo 1 lb Posedered sugar 12 oz Chocolate chips 1/2 Cake of paraffin A. Blend peanut butter, oleo, and poseders sugar] B. Mix Rice Krispies eith (A) mixture. Blend with hands to crumbles, […]

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