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Oatmeal Pancakes (rice)

Ingrients & Directions

2 Eggs
1/2 c Cottage cheese
1 tb Oil
1 c + 2 tablespoons uncooked
-oatmeal, or half oatmeal
-and half wheat germ
1/8 ts Salt

Surprisingly, these particular pancakes taste much better with fruit
than with syrup.

Place all ingredients in blender or food processor and blend 5-6
seconds. Drop by tablespoons into hot greased frying pan. Turn
pancakes when bubbles appear on surface and cook 1 minute more. Serve
with ham, fruit preserves, fresh berries or other fruit.

Makes four 4-inch pancakes.

Nutrients: calories 229, protein 14.5 grams, fat 14.8 grams,
cholesterol 221 mg, fiber 1.1 grams, sodium 408 mg.

From the files of Al Rice, North Pole Alaska. Feb 1994

1 Servings

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