Old-fashioned Peach Pie

Ingrients & Directions

3/4 c Sugar . . .
3 tb Enrichcd flour 1 Recipe Plain Pastry
1/4 ts Nutmeg or cinnamon . . .
5 c Sliced peachcs 2 tb Butter or


Combine sugar, flour, and spice. Add to peaches; mix lightly. Spread in 9
inch pastry-lined pieplate; dot with butter. (Sprinkle with extra nutmeg or
cinnamon, if desired.) Top with lattice crust; crimp cdges. Bake in hot
oven (400?) 40 to 45 minutcs or till done. Serve warm with whipped cream or
ice cream; or pass pitcher of cream.

Lattice Crust: Cut strips of dough 1/2 to 3/4 inch wide with pastry wheel
or knife. Lay lengthwise strips on top of filled pie at 1-inch intervals.
Fold back alternate strips to help you weave crosswise strips over and
under, placing them on the diagonal. Trim bottom crust and lattice strips
even with outer rim; seal edges. Dampen edge lightly with water and place
extra strip over it, covering ends of lattice. Seal, crimp edge.

Tasting-Test Kitchen note: For drained canned or frozen peaches, use only
1/3 cup sugar.

6 servings

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