Peanut Butter Cup Tarts

Ingrients & Directions

36 Reese’s peanut butter cups
1 lb Refrigerated cookie dough

* – (Either fudge, sugar, or peanut butter dough)

Refrigerate candies so paper will peel off easily. Unwrap each. Follow
slicing instructions on cookie wrapper and quarter each slice. Place
each piece in a greased miniature muffin cup. Place in preheated 350?
oven for 8-10 minutes or just until cookie puffs and is barely done.
Remove from oven and immediately push a candy cup into each cookie
filled muffin cup. The cookie will deflate and form a tart shell
around the peanut butter cup. The heat from the cookie will melt the
chocolate toppings. Let the pan cool; then refrigerate until shine
leaves the chocolate. Remove from the refrigerator and gently lift
each tart from the cup with the tip of a knife. Makes 36 cookies.

1 Servings

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