Pecan Penuche (brown Sugar Fudge)

Ingrients & Directions

2 c Firmly packed dark-brown
3/4 c Milk
1/8 ts Salt
2 tb Butter; cut in small pieces
1 ts Vanilla
3/4 c Chopped pecans

Fanny Farmer

Oil jelly roll or 8×8 inch pan (I always used square pan). Put sugar,
milk, and salt in 3 qt heavy pan, stir to blend. Put over low heat and
bring to boil, stirring slowly. Cover and let boil 2-3min. Uncover and wash
down sides with pastry brush dipped in cold water. Continue to boil until
syrup reaches firm-ball stage (244F) stirring only if mixture appears to be
burning. Remove from heat, drop in butter without stirring. Set pan on
cooling surface or rack and let cool slightly. Beat until mixture starts to
thicken, add vanilla and pecans, and beat without stopping until mixture
loses gloss. Pour into oiled pan and mark into squares. When firm cut into
pieces and store airtight.

NOTE: hard-ball stage – drop small amount in cup of cold water. Forms
firm ball which holds shape. Always test at least twice – you want to make
absolutely sure that it is at the hard-ball stage 🙂



From archives. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe Archive,

16 Servings

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