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Potato Cake

Ingrients & Directions

2 c Sugar
1 c Butter
1 c Potatoes, mashed; hot
1 c Pecans; chopped
1/2 c Milk, sweet
2 c Flour
4 Egg; well beaten
5 ts Chocolate; melted
1 ts Cloves
1 ts Cinnamon
1 ts Nutmeg
4 ts Baking powder

Cream well the butter and sugar. Add the other ingredients, leaving the
eggs and baking powder till the last. Moisten the baking powder with a
tablespoon of water the fold it and the eggs in lightly. Bake in layer
pans about 40 minutes [in a 350 F. oven, until a toothpick tests clean].
For filling, use cooked icing with a dozen marshmallows beaten in while the
icing is hot. If you desire, you may add nuts and raisins to the icing.

Ola Cunningham
Comanche Study Club cookbook
Comanche, TX, 1927


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