Potato Pancakes (latkes My Way)

Ingrients & Directions

2 lb Potatoes, medium
2 md Onions, peeled
2 lg Eggs, well beaten
3 lg Tablespoons flour, cracker
-meal, potato flour or
-matzo meal
2 ts Baking powder

1. Pare potatoes; let soak in bowl of ice water for 2 or 3 hours, drain.

2. Using fine grating disk of food processor, or the finest side of a four
sided grater, grate potatoes into a medium bowl, grating the onions with
the potatoes as you work. (The juice prevents the potatoes from darkening.)

3. Drain mixture through a large sieve set over a large bowl. Squeeze
handfuls of the potato/onion mixture over sieve, allowing liquid to drain
into the bowl. Let the liquid from the potatoes stand a few minutes to
allow starch sediment to collect in the bottom of the bowl.

4. Meanwhile, mix the potato/onion mixture with the eggs, flour, baking
powder, 1 teaspoon salt and dash of pepper. Add 1 tablespoon more flour, if
needed to thicken mixture to consistancy of cooked cereal. Carefully pour
or spoon off liquid from potatoes; add sediment only to the potato-egg
mixture, stirring till just blended.

5. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. In a 12″ skillet, over medium high heat,
heat 1/2″ salad oil until hot but not smoking. Place heaping tablespoons of
the potato mixture in the hot oil; with back of fork, flatten slightly. Fry
about 5 pancakes at a time until golden, turning once, 3 minutes in all.
Remove pancakes with slotted spoon; drain on paper towel lined baking
sheet. Place in oven to keep warm while frying remaining pancakes. If
desired serve pancakes with applesauce or sour cream.


6 Servings

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