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Raisin Bread With Fruit Pulp

Ingrients & Directions

Raisin Bread recipe
1 c Pulp
Reduce the liquid in recipe
-by 1/2 cup
1 ts Cinnamon

I have a 1 1/2 pound Welbilt and I make a moist dark bread using carrot
pulp saved from my juicer (can you tell I like gadgets?). To a standard
raisin bread recipe I add 1 cup of pulp and reduce the water in the recipe
by 1/2 cup. I like a tsp of cinnamon in this, too. Since the moisture
content of juicer pulp can vary, my failsafe for the water is to start the
machine with everything added but the raisins, but with only about half the
water I expect to use. Then after a few minutes of mixing I drizzle water
in SLOWLY till the dough forms a smooth, slightly sticky ball. Too sticky
and the bread tends to fall. Too dry and the bread is a bit too dense and
dry. Have fun!

1 Servings

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