Recipe For Pierogies (plus Cabbage And Meat Fillings)

Ingrients & Directions

4 c Flour — all purpose
1 Egg
1 c WARM water (appprox)
2 tb Cold mashed potatoes**
3 c Potatoes
Salt & pepper
3 oz Cottage cheese — drained
1 sm Onion chopped
6 Strips of bacon

NOTE: ** Or potato pierogie filling. This makes the dough more
pliable and tasty!

Fry bacon until crisp. Reserve a little grease and saute onions .
Drain. Mash potatoes with cottage cheese, then add rest of
ingredients. You want the potato mixture stiff. If the potatoes
aren’t tasty enough add some instant potatoes. This time of year
potatoes aren’t real tasty.

Cabbage Filling (my favorite) 1 medium size cabbage, 4 oz. DRY cottage
cheese, 1 med. onion, chopped, 6 slices bacon salt and pepper.

Cut cabbage in pieces and cook until tender. Drain well. Run through
food processor with other ingredients (Cook bacon and fry onions in
bacon grease first!) Salt and pepper to taste.

Meat Filling: 1 medium onion chopped, 2 c. left over meat, bacon, 2
slices bread soaked in milk, salt & pepper, dill and parsley to taste
Cook bacon and onion. Run all through food processor or grinder. To
make pierogies: Follow the excellent directions given elsewhere in
this category.

50 servings

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