Ricotta Roquefort Cheesecake

Ingrients & Directions

2 pk Part skim ricotta cheese —
(15 oz each)
1 c Roquefort cheese; (6 oz) —
1 ts -Freshly ground black pepper
6 lg Egg whites
1/4 c Parmesan cheese — fresh,
To taste
42 Red radishes — ends trimmed
Rinsed and drained
Parsley sprigs
Crisp crackers

1. In a processor or bowl, mix ricotta, Roquefort, pepper and salt.
Beat in egg whites. Scrape mixture into a 10 in cheesecake pan with
removable rim. Sprinkle evenly with parmesan cheese.

2. Bake uncovered, in a 325F oven until cheesecake is firm in center
when pan is gently shaken, 35 to 45 minutes. Cool, cover, and chill
at least two hours or up until next day.

3. Pinch all but 1 or 2 pretty leaves from radishes. Wrap in damp
cloth and enclose in a plastic bag. Chill at least half an hour. 4.
Remove pan rim and set cake on serving plate. Surround and garnish
with radishes and parsley, and accompany with crackers.

Sunset Magazine 12/91.

16 Servings

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